Sunday, November 8, 2009

Almost "home"

Well, things are progressing quite quickly, although not as quickly as I wish. Yes, I am impatient and do not give myself much of a break, but the results are worth it - mostly!

We have the pods unloaded, tomorrow PODS will come and pick up our last container and then we will reclaim our driveway and I am sure that will make our neighbors happy! I think there are less than 10 boxes left to be unpacked, but man we are running out of room for our "stuff" and we have taken a load in the suburban and the truck to goodwill. So we are trying to unload some of our excess!

It is hard to get rid of stuff though! I mean what if I "need" that item? What then? I will have to go buy it ... and well that costs money. But you know what, it feels wonderful to get rid of it and trust that if I need it in the future God will provide. I know that sounds trite - but I have found out it is true. I mean, I watched God provide so many things these past 7 months, from a house to food, to clothes that we needed because most of our were packed in a pod. So I know that if I need 4 or 6 more bowls I will find them. So as hard as it is to get rid of it, it is really fun to sit back and just remind God that I do trust him no matter what. No matter if we lose a job, if we sell a house and have no home, no matter what. It still amazes me to reflect over the past year and see what He has done in our lives.

Then today we tried a new church, we visited First Baptist Irving and we loved it. I am pretty sure that we will join next week, that is unless God throws a big road block in our way between now and the 11:15 service. The kids enjoyed it, they encourage a corporate worship, so the kids go to Sunday School then to church with us. I love that!! Can't wait! I really enjoyed meeting the Children's pastor too! So hopefully!

Meanwhile the school room is coming together, I cannot presently see my kitchen counters, but maybe I will this week. I made bread last week (Friday) and that sure helped it feel like home. It was great to have homemade bread - the kids were thrilled and Robert was very happy too to arrive to a home that smelled yummy to find warm bread waiting for him! We now have phone, but we are still stealing internet, not sure from who, but we are sure thankful for that too!

This week will include a trip back to Honey Grove to get the rest of our stuff from the cabin and more unpacking. Mostly we will be organizing the house, the closets and finally we will get back to school! That really is the best part! I am ready to have some part of the day to sit with the kids and just be with them. I think we all need that! They have had enough of a busy mom with many to do lists!

That is all for now, hopefully we will have more pics soon - of orderly rooms! We will see.
Happy Fall!!

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