Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Book Review : Misery Loves Company

Every now and then I get to review a book that surprises me.  Normally I know I expect with most books I read, however with Misery Loves Company, I had no idea what to expect.  I finished this particular book in a day and was hard pressed to put it down!


I do not want to give away the surprises from this book, but I will tell you what I enjoyed. 

The characters Rene Gutteridge introduces us to were some of the most real I have read.  I could immediately relate with Jules (Juliet), she is the main character who is still suffering from the pain of losing her husband.  Chris is another major character in the book, and he was Jules’ husband’s best friend, and was charged with watching out for her.  I also felt connected to Chris – his regrets, his concerns, his purpose.

I could also relate with Jules daily activities since she is a blogger and book reviewer.  Her most recent review was of her favorite author, however she wrote a less than favorable review.  When she wakes up, and can only remember being in the grocery store after running in to her favorite author, she realizes things may not be as they have seemed.

Patrick Reagan is the author who has been lacking in his most recent books.  He has a mission though, a mission to show Jules truth.

I enjoyed this book a great deal, I enjoyed the suspense of figuring out where Jules is and why.  I liked the perspective Renee Gutteridge gives us about the author Patrick Reagan, and what makes an author “tick.”  There are two plot lines going on in the story but it is not until the end when you figure out how they intersect.

This story had many twists and turns, a good deal of suspense and even some deeper introspective thinking.  Both Jules and Patrick are wrestling with just who they think God is.  I appreciated their search for some clear understanding about the Creator.

I enjoyed my first book by Renee Gutteridge and I hope to get my hands on some of her other books!  I enjoyed this book and recommend it highly!

NOTE : I received a complimentary copy of  Misery Loves Company in exchange for an honest review compliments of Tyndale House.

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