Friday, August 16, 2013

Latest new from here

What a whirlwind it has been since we got home!!

prject time

The after arriving home I went to the doctor, only to find out my cholesterol skyrocketed 60 points!!  Oh my!!  So, I am in a detox state trying to get it down from my crazy vacation!!

Then we picked up the newest member of the farm : Axle. 



He is as sweet as he is stinky and that is a bit of a problem!  I think he wants some scratches and to be friendly, but that smell!! 

So this leads me to our latest project, a goat pen.  Yay!  This way they can all live together in harmony over “there.” 

getting sweet

We still have a calf in the other pasture, hope she comes home kind-of soon, but we need to redo the fence that divides our pasture and the neighbor one before she comes how – another project!!  And Cleo is getting bigger in our back yard.  I hope she and Chloe will get along in the big pasture if they ever get out there together.


Meanwhile, the garden turned into a jungle.  It was terrible when we got home.  We have been pulling, cutting and working hard in the garden to no avail!!  Ugh!  But we are still harvesting tomatoes and tomatillos every day.   So there is a bit of a reward!

We are about to attempt a new type of  garden.  We watched much of “Back to Eden” and are going to try out his approach.  It promises no weeds and happy garden with little to no water.  I will take it!!  We will see how it goes!!  Thanks to a friend who told us about this and showed us her garden.

Finally, the school building is transforming.  This seems to be an annual thing, I get motivated to clean up, to get ready for the new year and then over the following 12 months is turns into chaos.  I hope not this year.  I am trying to be more organized and make the space work for me.  We will see.  So far, I am loving it.  It is so much neater and we love our new sitting area!!

sitting area

Sewing area

Nature study

Well, that sums up the Cole Farm for now.  Things are in a steady state of change around here, but we love it. 

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