Monday, February 21, 2011

Grateful Evening

You know it has been a long day when you are just getting around to posting your Monday Morning gratitude journal list at night!  I say Monday Morning since I almost always do that in the morning. Somehow, this morning slipped by.  Then the afternoon slipped by.  And now the kids are in the bed, and I am finally getting some computer time.

It has been a good day here trying to weave into our routines a few new ideas I brought home.  I know this will continue to be a journey of tweaking our home life and our school life – improving, dropping, adding, ever changing.  But it is fun. 

Tonight as I reflect back over the past week there are so many things that I am offering thanks for ~

{#0479 – 0494}

0479. A day of bird counting at the East Texas Arboretum (did not have to count too high, we did not see ANY birds)

0480. A beautiful day to walk the trail with friends

0481. Boys bouncing on a suspension bridge – bouncing their mamas and laughing through it all

0482. Happy chickens enjoying some green on the ground & talking more and more

0483. Baby chicks showing wing feathers and starting to grow & look different

0484. windows open throughout the house on a February day – the breezes flowing through

0485. excitement over the coming spring

0486. the plan for butterfly gardens, herb gardens, vegetables and more

0487. a weekend to recharge, to be inspired, to plan

0488. a friend to share #487 with

0489. a God who does not expect first time obedience from me, learning to parent with more grace, because He does that with me

0490. celebrating each day for what it is, bringing back our monthly celebrate days to honor each person in our home

0491. choosing books that offer life and truth and inspiration instead of the tv (at least for a season)

0492. new candles, borrowed books, and dusted-off classical CDs => a happy mom and a different mood at meal times and quiet time

0493. smiles on faces after reading letters hidden under pillows => precious & priceless

0494. reading the Word during my morning quiet time and seeing 2 boys across the table choosing to do the same



More to share coming up from the conference – some great books, some great ideas.  It is always so amazing to get away from the noise of my life and listen to someone speak truth into my heart.  Sally never fails to inspire me to great things, but offers practical ideas to reach those great goals.  I love that. 

1 comment:

  1. #484 - ME TOO! Last week was a beautiful week here! :)

    #494 - LOVE

    I'm here from Ann's blog...happy to "meet" you! :)



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