You know you have a real friend, a true friend, a good friend when you have not seen each other in “too long” and yet, when you get back together you pick up where you left off.
Today I am about to climb in to bed, but I need to tap out my list, keep on track with my 1000 gifts – keep going. Sometimes I fall off the path and I procrastinate about getting back on, and I am trying to get back on quicker with less procrastination.
Not sure my number, I have to count my paper list to keep up but tonight the number is insignificant, the thanks is what matters.
I am so very grateful for
~ these wonderfully perfect spring days of sun shining and cool/warm breezes blowing
~ trees and bushes budding out, flowers sharing their colors and smiling when I smell the flowers and the buds all over our yard
~ talking to my hens (who are not laying yet) in the afternoons and how they make me smile when they talk back
~ knowing that my stinky boy birds will not be here much longer but in my freezer instead (yes – reality for me these days)
~ watching my big boys and my younger kids delight with friends no matter the ages or genders!
~ Seeing J grow up and struggle to control his temper/anger – but seeing him win little battles and gain more self-control. Boy I am proud of this boy – he is quickly becoming a wonderful young man
~ a friend who shares her heart struggles – only to know I have the same struggles and how we can walk together and see the truth in the midst of all the yucky lies
~ smelling clean kids after their showers & baths
~ my in-laws for all they do emotionally and physically for us – they demonstrate their love in so many ways
~ my father-in-law teaching me some great “professional” painting techniques that really paid off
~ seeing my bathroom come together and so looking forward to showering in my bathroom once again
~ knowing that one bathroom is enough – and that two is really a blessing – I will never take it for granted again or pine away for what I do not have in a 3rd guest bathroom!!
~ for tight, long hugs from little arms that try to out-squeeze their mama
~ for bedtime kisses – even when it is another one just to drag out bedtime
~ for beginning to feel like FBC Malakoff really is our new church home – and really feeling loved when we are there
~ for those who have paid so high a price so that I have the many, many freedoms I do every day – soldiers, martyrs, pilgrims (the list is varied but they have each allowed us all that we have today from the printed Bible, to freedom of religion, to the safety we take for granted)
~ for homeschool – and getting to re-read stories of those mentioned above and teach my children about all that so many before us have sacrificed for us today
Hope you are counting your blessings – it will change your perspective!!