I awoke this morning to a cacophony of noises! It was quite early, as it usually is in Maine, especially since we have no curtains in this house. The sun rises early here so everyone else does too!!
This morning though, the sun did not wake me up – it was not the light streaming in. It was the sound of the bats coming in for the night. I did not know they turned in early, about 5:15am – but I do not blame them as they were out eating lots of bugs all night.
After I identified the bats I also head the lobster boats in the water off the shore. They also start early in the morning – checking traps and getting their catch into the gut to sell. Amidst all that noise were the ever present sea gulls letting everyone know it was morning.
So after going to bed about 9pm ( it was dark and what else do you do after a long day?) I was up at 5am snuggling under the covers to savor the “quiet” or rather the sounds of Maine while I tried to stay warm. It was in the 80’s when we arrived, but overnight it was in the 50’s. The kids all came in from the covered porch and slept on the floor in Great Grammie’s bedroom, and honestly I do not blame them! Tonight I will make sure they have extra blankets and their warm PJs on.
So, all in all, life is good. We are in Maine. It smells amazing, it is so pretty and it is so relaxing to be here. Mentally at least!! I was not too relaxed yesterday unpacking the car, cleaning all the many flies off the floors, counters, tables, etc. But is so nice to be here.
Here are some early morning pics I snapped…
The moon in the sky
Someone’s boat – not sure what they found but he was hauling something – maybe clams?
My favorite view – the trees across the water from our stair – I love the reflection too!
The house – what a site for our eyes when we arrived!
Since I started this, the kids have all run in from the woods to announce their new find!! Raspberries and Blackberries! Yeah! So they now have a bowl and are out picking for me. Maybe we will need to make a berry crisp tonight!!
We are off to town to pick up a few more items and check in at the library too!!