Monday, May 2, 2011

Multitude Monday

It’s already Monday.  This Monday feels a bit like a Saturday though, since Robert has been working all weekend and is now home for a few days.  It can be confusing around here.

Regardless, today is laundry day, school day, and get back to routine day. 

So it is already after 9:30 and I am not dressed, kids are still “cleaning” their room (its been hours, it seems already), breakfast dishes are waiting and school is yet to start.  Oh well, it will get done.

  We have caught some news this morning, because you know – Osama is dead.  Found that out minutes before we headed to bed last night.  Amazing.  So many men and women have put their lives on the line to stop this man, and many have lost their lives.  Families have been torn apart as a result of stress from this war.  So, today as I celebrate the end of Osama’s life, I mourn for the cost to our troops.  I am so proud of them, all they have done and continue to do for this amazing Country!


So, today as I count I think about those soldiers who have paid the ultimate cost…

{#0829 ~ #840 of 1000 thinks to be thankful for, my gratitude journal}

#829 – the freedom we take so for granted

#830 – for my classmates, friends, and fellow soldiers who have paid so much for the freedoms we have, and especially those who have paid the ultimate price

#831 – for the freedom we have in Christ and for those who are spreading the gospel in those war ravaged nations as they serve

#832 – for little boys who one day want to serve, so proud

#833 – hoping that this dead turns the tide of animosity, praying for peace in the days to come

#834 – for he real peace that is only found in a life grounded in Christ – helps us to weather any storm

#835 – a devotion about sowing seeds that my kids “get”

#836 – waking up to rain

#837 – a plan to attack the gophers & moles and grubs!!

#838 – a garden that we can share with friends!

#839 – an unexpected gift of meat from friends!  (always a blessing to help someone clean out their freezer)

#840 – completing Dave Ramsey’s financial peace university!  Woo hoo!!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy reading your makes me feel like I'm still connected with you guys! I hope we'll get to see you on Thursday...can we come by & visit before the concert?



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