Here are some pics of our early recess - we had to "seize the day" while the ice was still here!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
The good in the Cold
Here are some pics of our early recess - we had to "seize the day" while the ice was still here!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Not Me weeekend summary!
As for me, there is not chance that I would actually thoroughly enjoy about 36 hours without the 4 most important boys in my life. No way! And If those boys happened to leave town and a group of friends suggest having a girls night out, I would never call and practically insist they come to my house to play wii and hang out in PJs since my house is free of all testosterone! Nor would I, on a Saturday night (before 1st grade Sunday School), stay up talking politics and other crazy things until midnight! No way!
I mean, I would dread my boys being gone and would mope around and just have a tough time! I mean I love them! Right?
Okay so that all being said, I am not trying to convince my husband to make "guys time away" a monthly deal where I promise to have the house spotless if he will just leave for 24 hours with those dirty, messy & "counterproductive to a clean house" boys! I mean that is crazy!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Seeing Pink in a BIG way!
She has lots of company in her bed - and demands to have them all to sleep.
We even found room to keep the rocking chair for now -
she loves it so I am glad it can stay!
So fun!!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Girl Time
THis is a plastic set - but the last one I bought her in May (last time we ate in the Tea Room) is the same material and here they both are:
And lastly, here is my last "find" - here are 3 pics in cute frames of Peter Rabbit characters. They were $5 each and I got all 3 for $9! I thought that was great too! They are very cute and will look cute in her room once we move it all around!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Movin' on up!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Fun, Fun, and Historic!
Pre-Valentines Day Party ~
Today we are hosting a valentine making party. I thought we would do this early so we have a stack of valentines to send overseas to the troops and to give to KCBI for the Valentines for kids in the children's hospitals. Plus it is always fun to be crafty with friends and everyone seems to have a good time.
So we did school a little earlier than usual so we are done in enough time to head out to pick up our veggies from Co-op and get back before our friends get here! What a day - fresh fruit and veggies and friends! Does it get any better than that?
I am still working on the felt food - so fun! I have been working on it at night and it is a slow process, but I will post the results soon. I had to stash it away for today - I did the house pick up for our friends sake! But it will slow my progress a bit.
Last night we watched Swing Vote - I thought a perfect night, the night before the Inauguration and all. Not sure I loved the movie, lots of cursing especially the dad in front of his young daughter. But politically was enjoyable. And it seems the masses (republican that is) are going to avoid today's event on tv. Not sure how you can miss it or have missed it at all this weekend! It is everywhere. The only thing I wonder, okay 2 things, is where is Obama's humility in all of this? Is he so convinced it is all about him? And second if the first Black President were a Republican would we be celebrating like this? I am quite certain we would not be - I mean the media loves this man, and when was the last time they loved a Republican? So anyway, I would like for my kids to watch today for the historical value and for me to teach them that this is a Public-Service office and that the man (or woman) who fills it should do so to serve the people and not themselves. Okay, I am stepping down now, off my soap-box that is!
We are off to enjoy our fun day! Happy Early Valentines Day to you and yours!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Not Me Monday
So what have I not done lately? Well I most certainly did not break the door knob to our back door this last week. And since I did not break the door knob I did not need to open the window about 10pm to try and beg the dog to come in through the window since the door will not open. I mean she loves to stand on the window ledge and stare at us trying to get back in all the time. So why would she not welcome the idea of coming back in the house through the window?
I certainly am not the kind of mom who says no as soon as my child starts to ask a question before even thinking if I could say yes. I mean that would be a mean mother to do that. I mean kids just want to do fun things and safe things, right? Well except for my 3rd born boy! But of course there are fun things that the others ask to do.
I also did not have to cut the 550 cord off my sons waist this weekend when he tied himself to the playground equipment. He thought he was going to be on some kind of climbing expedition and need to be safety corded for "safety reason" - and while I most certainly did not tell my 2nd son that I was not going to rescue him - I mean that goes beyond mean for saying no all the time. While trying to decided what to do I looked out and saw that he was fine waiting, he was getting comfy up there and just waiting, so I finally did rescue him, but I don't think making him wait was too bad!
(Do you understand why I say no to most requests when you hear about one child tying himself to the playground? I may not be quite so mean now!)
Please keep praying for Kelly and Harper - visit their blog to see details HERE.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Prayer Needed!! UPDATED!!
As of Lunch Time-ish: Okay, it is a small world! Yesterday I stumbled (not by accident) on this blog. It is a woman who was delivering her first baby yesterday after years of trying. So I was of course excited and prayer for her. Then this morning my friend Jeremy mentioned the same blog on his facebook entry and WOW! A lot has happened since I looked at her site. Her baby is in the NICU - has pneumonia and will be on the heart and lung machine asap. Mom will be on her way as soon as she can, Dad and family are with Harper (little precious baby) - so Please, Please Please be in prayer for this precious little girl and her dear parents.
Thank you!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Fireside Friday
Thursday, January 15, 2009
New Creation(s)
2. I can only pray for these men or women, and I need to commit to do so. I can not control their attitudes or choices.
3. I need to ask myself, am I living as the new creation God created me to be? (See 2 Cor 5:17.)
4. I need to ask myself, “Am I foolish, disobedient, deceived, enslaved, envious, or hate-filled?”
5. God is the only one who can change me.
I just thought and prayed that I am that new creation - it is the new me - not the old. The old is that person I was before I knew him - or even before my walk became more intimate. I just asked that he would help me to delight in the new creation that he created me to be. To help me take off the "old" creation that I still so often pick up and carry around as my "responsibility" - and to leave it for him to deal with. I can let Satan whisper in my ear that no one likes me, no one wants to be my friend - they just are stuck with me, blah blah blah - but last night I felt like many of those people really like me. I told him that I am so quick to believe what (someone who does not like me) may think about me and believe it to be true, but then someone like (a person who is highly esteemed) seems to think higher thoughts of me and I just chalk that up to "she does not really know me" - you know? I think this is part of that new creation - if we are really His NEW CREATION then we need to really delight in that new creation - in who we are in his eyes and allow the people he placed here (to bless us) to allow them to really bless us.
Okay - so I just thought about our past that we carry - and that it is Satan who reminds us each day to pick that old self back up and drape them over our shoulder - we need to tell him NO - I am not doing it anymore. I am God's I am NEW and I am going to delight in the person he calls me to be.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
New year - New habits
So that happened this morning with letters off to Oregon. Then we had school by the fire and read several items including a great story by Shakespeare (thank you again Renee for encouraging me to get this) and my 2nd grader was even able to narrate it back to me - he is getting it! Math happened at the coffee table and then we transitioned into play time.
We are trying to memorize more scripture too - which I have alluded to before - and we now have a whiteboard at the kitchen table and we try to remember to say our verse at each meal. My eldest is picking the verses up pretty quickly - the others will get them. I figure we will aim for a verse a week alternating between easier and a bit more difficult. I think the kids will love it at the end of the year when I show them all the verses we have learned this year!
THis week Numbers 6:24-26 The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord shine his face upon you and be gracious, the Lord turn his face to you and give you peace. What a great one to have in your heart!!
Well, if you are reading this I have a prayer request for you. My only brother (Jim) is currently in prison. Yes, he deserves to be there for what he has done. We have been in touch now for about 8 months (after about 18 years of no contact) and we are writing on a regular basis. Anyway, he has turned his life around, he is a Christian, he has stopped smoking and lots of other bad behavior. He has really cleaned himself up and is looking forward to getting out soon. That being said the prison he is in recently got a new warden and is shaking things up. While I think I would support this normally it sounds like it is getting crazy there too. Please pray that Jim would have a peace. I am not asking God to release him or give him favor, just to give him a peace about his situation and circumstances. He knows he deserves to be there but he is worried that they may close his prison and move everyone which could result in a new environment with worse people and challenges. So please pray for peace and courage to do the right thing no matter what happens. I honestly appreciate it! Please let me know if you are praying for him as well, I would love to know that.
I have to get back to the kids - I was taking a break after my 35 minutes of wii-fit time - I was worn out. Now they are about to get crazy with some wii fit balance exercises! It had only been 189 days since I stepped on it! I expected more of a tongue lashing, it just told me I had been gone a while! Maybe I will add this to our daily routine - make it a new habit! It was fun!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Not Me Monday!
Okay, so I am going to make this my first not me Monday.
The morning started great today - usually we start off horribly - not to say that I would start the day by getting out of bed to spank my 3 boys - no, not me. Just because they are wrestling in their rooms at oh, say 5:15? Would that send me off the edge? No way, I would calmly ask them to be quiet and wait patiently for 7:00 when they may quietly get out of their room. And there is no way our dear little girl is in her room sobbing at the bottom of the door (well wailing is more like it) because her rambunctious brothers woke her up. Not a chance that I would just let her cry there for oh, a while.
There is no way I spent about a hour picking up my crazy house (that cannot stay clean for more than 2 minutes) because we have a friend coming over to play and craft. I mean really, if she is a friend will she care if you cannot see my counters? I would never get obsessed about something like that and almost delay the start of school just to get things "right" - no, not me!
And would I try to disguise the oatmeal this morning because my eldest claims that we eat it every morning now that I figured out if I put it in the crock pot the night before breakfast is ready at wake up? No, I would not tell him he is crazy and that this is a new breakfast (because I added pumpkin this morning! I would never do that!
Did I mention that I am not forgetful? I mean who gets the crock pot ready at 8pm the night before, sets it up with a timer so the oats can soak a couple hours before actually cooking, and then fails to turn the crock pot on? Only to wake up the next morning to soaked oats and not cooked? I would never do that - not to mention I do not think that memory is affected to child birth! I mean really! There is no way that your memory comes out through delivery whether C-section or by pushing! That is ludicrous!
Okay, enough therapy for me! I am off to enjoy my clean kitchen and finish school!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
The sun shines after the dark
Tuesday came and ..... well that was a completely different story! Our dear little girl woke at 4:30 - not a happy camper - she did start showing a fever Monday afternoon - and was very hot. So quiet time was, well, not so quiet or refreshing, as it did not even happen. Then all day I was holding my sick little girl and not getting much of anything done. That is a struggle for me as I am very task oriented! By about 3pm I realized I need to take her in to the Dr to get her checked. After about 3 minutes the 5 minute strep test came back positive. She would not take the Tylenol the nurse tried to give her for her fever (102.8 - on Motrin) and spit it mostly out.
We did get her first dose of antibiotics down with lots of screaming and some more Motrin too.
Wednesday, was about the same. A needy little girl, short periods of some school - not much though and a slow day. She did show improvement throughout the day and seemed to be better by that evening. Praise God for good meds!
Thursday - much better. We made it to PE - and she had fun, we all did. We all came home and had a yummy lunch (smoked cheese, from Uncle Ed, sandwiches, and other goodies) and then took good naps.
Friday is finally here and well it is so much better! My family is back to normal (not sure that is entirely good) and we are seemingly healthy. We finished school already (we may have some more handwriting this afternoon) and we are about to head out to the park to meet friends, have lunch and play! It is supposed to be in the 70's today! Yeah!
Okay, so I started this new EBible study. A lady is hosting, she sends us a memory verse, and reading assignment and some questions to ponder, journal, or whatever. The verse this week is: (from memory)
Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility to all men. Titus 3:1-2
So, I put it up in various places in the house (shower door facing into the shower, bathroom mirror, kitchen sink) and by Wednesday I had it down!! I was so excited, this is not something I tend to do very well. But even better news? MY eldest had it down today by memory (with some minor help) this morning!! I did assign the verse as copy work for both boys this week and he has copied it about 5 times now. I am so excited. Want to know why aside from the obvious?
Does this verse not sum it all up for kids? Obey authority (parents, government, God) - do whatever is kind (share, help, etc), slander no one (okay the biggest one for me & my mouth - what a great lesson to learn early for the kids), be peaceable and considerate (share, hold the door, don't fight) show true humility (put others before you). I mean if they could get this verse they might really get so much more than just a verse!! Wow!
Some thoughts Heather asked us were:
Today, I would like us to take an inventory of how we show both obedience and respect to those in authority in our lives. We might ask ourselves, how is my speech seasoned when I speak about the government, regardless of my political views. How is my attitude about my boss, even when they are not looking? (By the way, I have a wonderful boss J). How obedient am I to the laws of the land, such as paying taxes, observing the speed limit, etc.? (The speed limit was a bit painful for me!) What are my attitudes toward my spouse, my church staff, or my parents? We could go on and on asking ourselves the tough questions. I believe God truly would want us to examine our hearts in this way.
My mom is also going to join our study and Kristen and I am so excited to get to talk about some thoughts, revelations, and things that God is teaching each of us through this study! I am just really looking to making this a great year!
My big resolution this year is to make scripture part of our daily life - OUT LOUD I want us to talk about verses, what they mean, what God is laying on our hearts, and how we can obey them. I hope to lead my kids to store these great verses in their hearts all year that we will look back at 2009 in 2010 and be amazed at how much we memorized and learned!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
It's a new Year!
We had a great ringing in of the new year - photos to be posted later! We had a fondue night for New Year's Eve and turned in early since we were driving out first thing on Jan 1st to Mississippi. We then were able to spend the weekend (Thursday thru Sunday am) in Mississippi with my Aunt & Uncle. The kids had a blast and really enjoyed visiting with my relatives! The weather was fairly good despite the rainy forecast. And we ended out visit on Sunday just after attending the Methodist church in Madison and watching my Aunt sing in the choir. Just a great way to start the year, spending time with family. Did I mention that Robert got his fill of Football watching too - since both my uncle and aunt are AVID football fans! Robert was in heaven and I even learned (really relearned since it had been a while) more football jargon & rules.
Well we are into the new year today - we started back to school and even got lots done around the house. School went better than expected - but not great. So really that is just good. We hung around the fire most of the day since it is cold & wintry out - there is ice on our tree and bushes and it is just rainy too! So it has been a great day.
I actually made it up about 5:30 this morning and spent some good time alone with God and just had a great quiet time! I think this really helped get our day focused! Then I applied something I heard on Focus on the Family (on my IPOD on my way home from MS while everyone slept) about spending 15 minutes a day cleaning. I have heard this before, but tried it again. I think you are supposed to plan to spend 15 minutes, then if you spend more you do not feel bad about it. I mean if you approach it like you only need to spend 15 then you can spend more if you feel like it and it is just freeing. SO we spend "15" minutes in the boys room (more like 60) then "15" in our rooms (full of Christmas left overs, gifts, and trip stuff) which was really more like 90 - but hey - the house looks great. I feel so good about it and really just spend a few minutes in each room at a time and got so much done!
So if I keep this up we will have a very tidy and organized year. Mind you this is all new to me since we have never not had a baby at this point. This is all new territory - having some time, having kids who can play and do not need nursing or strict supervision. So I am able to actually organize something and sometimes it stays that way more than 10 minutes. It has been nice doing some deep cleaning and seeing it stay clean for a while!
Well enough about all that. So far, I like 2009. I hope to keep quiet time in the schedule and for school to keep going well. I would like to keep a cleaner house than before, but really that is not a big deal. I hope that my kids continue to long for knowledge about their Savior like they have this past year and I hope to be a mom that makes them feel loved and accepted while encouraging them to seek who God is calling them to be!