Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fun in the Sun

We are enjoying our summer here in Michigan. We spent the last 2 afternoons at a neighbor's pool who we just met. She is new to the area as well and has 2 little boys (8 & 5) who were eager for friends to play with. My boys who have not played with other children the entire time we were in Maine (5 weeks) were more than happy to make new friends! So we have enjoyed some time in the pool and meeting new friends.

The kids (all 4) are also going to VBS and for the first time since having kids, I have had some alone time each day while they were at VBS. Normally I get to teach or help in some way at our home church so I never do get to do the "drop off" thing. The kids are loving it - they are doing Crocodile Dock. The 2 young ones are in one group and that is working out great! Our little girl is spending most of her time next to her brother, and I think he is loving feeling like the big brother to her. The other two are in the same group too and I think have enjoyed the time with new people but with each other too.

Robert has several job leads working right now, some interviews coming up and a couple conferences on the horizon as well. So we continue to pray and trust that God is working something out in his perfect timing. We are still waiting on the house deal, but again are trusting that God has a plan and his timing will be perfect. Just hope we get to see that plan soon!!

Life is still good with us and we are excited to see what the future holds!!

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