Just another day. Isn’t that how most days start, unless you have big plans?
Today I did not have big plans. Unless you count my plans for last night – I had big plans then. My plans were : “sleep all night” – little did I know that was not to happen. When we went to bed and Robert informed me he took Nyquil for his cold-like symptoms I knew he would be out like a rock all night and of no help if needed. Well, this proved to be true when my youngest son barged into our room about 11:45 sobbing that he could not breathe.
So for the next 45 minutes or so, I tried to calm him down so that he would be able to breathe a little better and not keep “croupy” coughing. He seemed a bit better after some hot cider and a spoonful of honey! Then we (really I) put the humidifier in his room and that noise woke up his sister leading to more time laying with a child trying to comfort them. It is cold in our house too – and so that makes the comforting the child part – not so comforting for me because I am freezing!
It has been so long since we have had the croup I have forgotten what to do! I wanted to call someone who would clue me in- that happens a lot – during stressful times I tend to not think real clearly. Of course what is new? That is really life is it not? When we get so caught up in something we cannot see clearly outside of our situation. So many times I see that, especially with Kristen, she sees clearly when I do not and vice versa.
Today was filled with unexpected blessings though! After finishing school with the boys and nothing on my to-do list. I decided to sneak away to rest. I was cold too – and I think that is the real reason I climbed into bed, I was cold and tired of being cold. So I snuck into bed and waited. I knew my buddy would join me. She usually checks on my whereabouts every 20 minutes or so. And needless to say, before falling asleep a sweet little girl grabbed her night-nights and climbed into bed in her daddy’s spot and stole a nap with me! How sweet is that?
So losing sleep at night is not fun, but finding some unexpected sleep in the late morning is lots of fun!!
We also ventured out today on a walk. It has been ages since I have been to the park with the kids or out in general. We walked down to the park and did the 1 mile loop and it was soo good to be out in the fresh air and in the sun! the kids were inspired to be out too and when we came home they immersed themselves in fairy-house building! This is a favorite of theirs. We have built fairy houses in Mississippi, Maine, Michigan and a few in Texas. So today we made some at our new Irving home.
Here are the boys gathering supplies and making plans for their building to come
P is in deep thought about how he can use all this good stuff! So sweet
This is J’s house – hard to see it all – but it is nestled ina bush outside our front door, I am sure he will continue to build on this house as spring arrives!
Here is my sweet sicky! Doesn’t he look sick? I think the walk did us both good! Here is his fairy house – he is so proud – he says there are tanks – did not recognize them, but I am sure with his mind he can see them clearly! Love it!
So a day that started out as just another day has turned into a day of gifts : unplanned nap, walk outside, fairy house building, and who knows what else today?
Sweet girl – in her world coloring while the boys build – aren’t we all called to create? Just like the one who created us – in Him image! I love to watch my children create!!
I love when we wake up expecting little and God surprises us by blessing us Big!
I love spring, and I can feel it in the air! I know it is coming and am so excited. We even have flowers (2 of ‘em) coming up in our flower bed – hyacinths!
I love them – the best part, they are a surprise! Someone before us planted them – and we will be blessed by them! One of my favorite flowers for my yard!! So God is reminding me , it is coming, be patient. And I am. I am waiting, with anticipation of a glorious and beautiful spring! I love spring! The new life, the fresh smells, the beauty that all points to my God! My redeemer.
Some more pics – what a difference a few days make:
Taken on Friday
Same yard – 5 days later!! Crazy Texas life!!
Some more snow pics I had to share!!
The day did not start out like I expected (if you count from mid-night on) but I feel like God took this day and just poured out his love and goodness on it and it became a great day! I think these days can be some of our favorites because we don’t expect much and get lots! Hope you felt God walking with you today!