Monday, February 22, 2010

It’s Monday…..

….my favorite day of the week!  Not that every Monday is lovely, but I still love my Mondays!!

Life is good, Robert is trucking right along with the job and the recent position change – I think he enjoys the increased responsibility as well as having more control of changes and such!  So that is a great thing!  God is good and it is so great to watch him  move!

My excitement is growing so much!  I simply cannot wait for this weekend!  I love the Whole Heart Mother conference!!  Just love it!  God has so spoken to me at both conferences I have attended, but even more importantly I just feel so refreshed, renewed and refilled after a weekend with:

sally pic  Sally Clarkson,

my friends and some quiet time with God.  It really is such a great weekend for me!

So I am thrilled, plus I am planning a surprise for my roommates – can’t reveal too much incase one of them happens upon this blog.  But I will have pics to share later this weekend!!  It has been so much fun getting ready for this weekend! 

It’s Monday a which also means my Gratitude Journal!  Such fun, here goes:


076.  Soothing a croupy cough in the middle of the night with hot cider and hugs (E)

077.  A friend who gently rebukes with love – and points me in the direction I need  to go

078.  The sun shining between the rain showers

079.  A hard working husband who serves his family with love

080.  Boys who love Jesus

081. long blond curls with a bow (A)

082. Deep brown eyes that sparkle with mischief (E)

083.  endless hugs and requests for back rubs (P)

084. A boy growing into a young man, who I really like (J)

085.  A man who loves me even though I do not speak his love language

086. Always  enough….in EVERYTHING

087. Adonai – the LORD is sovereign

088.  For friends sharing their love of Jesus with me – and encouraging me through sweet words

089. For Jesus who tells us 365 times not to fear!  We have no reason to fear anything!!

090.  For the hope of seeing my brother in a few months in Oregon!!

Hope you are having a great Monday!

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