Wednesday, June 29, 2011

VBS Day 2 & 3

We are over the hump – Wednesday, that is.  We finished out 3rd day today with a couple fun crafts!  Our numbers have increased each day, which we love to see!

Yesterday, we made our “Beach in a Bottle” craft. 

filling bottles 1


filling bottles 2

We used water bottles, poured in about 1/2 cup of sand, a couple shakes of glitter, a handful of shells before moving to the liquid station.  baby oil and waterAt the liquid station the kids added some blue colored water and finished the project with some baby oil.  We then, hot glued the lids on (for many reasons that you can imagine) and voila! 


kinder with bottles


Today, we made Christmas ornaments and Shell Creatures.  Initially we planned to make frames with shells and sand, but since the shells we ordered did not come in in time, we went to plan b.  The kids sure did not mind!   Another easy craft you could do at home and the kids loved it!!

Hot glue some string, ribbon, yard, whatever on your shell.  Then use glitter glue to decorate – allow to dry.  Done with craft #1.

Craft #2 : Shell Creatures

Glue googlie eyes onto the shells, add pipe cleaners, pom-poms, or anything else you want.  And Craft#2 : complete.

making shell creatures

shell creatures

So far, we are thoroughly enjoying our VBS crafts, and more importantly : the kids are loving them!!

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